Stone Heart and a Broken Vessel

It seems that everyone who’s hearts are pure and beautiful become pierced and black around me. My mother, brother, sister… They once were able to love and their love was unmistakable, you could taste it, it had a colour… But now, after years of living in one home I’ve drained them of their colour…

I asked God to send me someone to love, some who could teach me to love and He did. He worked on slowly breaking down walls I took so long to construct. He made my heart soar like it had never done before. But times change and we became comfortable. The soar he once inspired became challenged in strong wind, and the flight was low. What had I done?
His love wasn’t strong enough to break through those icy veins for too long, not strong enough to penetrate my soul and turn my stone heart into one of flesh. I drained his colour.

Have I realised too late that the one I need to turn this heart was one invisible, one so great and majestic? No I haven’t. As long as there is breath in me there is time enough. It was fear of His booming love that kept me away. I could I repay that love. But now I know that I cannot repay it… I can stand in awe. As shattered pieces of a broken vessel, He lifts each piece to put them back together. He seals the brokenness giving the vessel a new wonder but not its former glory. Still useful. Still loved.

*If you, like me and so many others, are a broken vessel today, with a heart of stone, and the belief you don’t deserve love… Think again! YOU DO! And you are! Remember sometimes a change of perspective is good. Jesus is the invisible God who shows His love and promises in each day and waits to love us even more. But love is a choice and the choice belongs to each of us. Only He can turn that stone hear into flesh*

Ezekiel 36:26

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